Essentials for Algebra 8
MA 843 & MA 844
Grade Levels:08
Course Length:Year
Prerequisites:Prerequisite(s): Students who qualify for resource or title setting in Math are eligible.
Length of Class: Year (both 1st & 2nd semesters)
Grade Level(s): 8th Grade
Core Mathematics Class - Prerequisite(s): Essentials for Algebra - 7, MAP score of 209-215 recommended
Students will develop skills such as working with variables, solving equations, using positive and negative numbers, formulas, working with polynomials, factoring, graphs, maintaining skills with fractions, decimals, and percents. They will develop problem solving skills, which can be transferred to algebra and other math classes in the future. The goal of the class is to have students move into Algebra I after completion.measurements/conversions in the metric system.